Sun Fun & Sand
Workbook #12
Sue Green-Baker and Karen LaMendola have teamed together to create Inspiration Software Skill Building Workbooks. This ongoing series of workbooks will guide you on how to use Perfect Embroidery Professional Software. Not only will you become more familiar with the software features but you’ll gain skills that will enable you to do more with your software and embroidery machine.
Workbook 12: Sun, Fun & Sand
This lesson features new tools and techniques. You will learn the freehand drawing tool to create artwork as well as the different ways to edit the hand drawn artwork. Use the Trim feature to join and merge two sections of artwork into one. We will use the Blending Fill and you will learn the easy and effective ways it can be layered with multiple thread colors. Apply the wave fill and edit it to fit most any artwork shape. Totally change the look of a motif file using concave and convex settings. Split motif lines that overlap in areas where they are not needed. Apply and edit text on a circle shape. See how to use and select different styles of the bean stitch. And see how to merge a ready made embroidery design into your hand created design and make them all work together.